The Model XLC 325/425 is a globe pat tern
hydraulically operated automatic control valve that
sustains the upstream pressure to a pre-set value
regardless of variations in demand. Thanks to the
solenoid control the valve will be able to close or
open, in response to a signal sent from remote or
by an external controller. Should the upstream
pressure drop below the pilot set point the valve will
close drip tight, assuring the proper operation also
in static conditions.
Working conditions
Fluid: treated water.
Minimum operating pressure: 0,7 bar.
Maximum operating pressure: 25 bar.
Recommended working pressure: 6 bar. Higher on request.
Maximum temperature: 70°C.
Linear position transmitter with 4-20 mA output Mod. CSPL.
On-off position transmitter Mod. CSPO.
Pressure measurement kit.
Self-flushing and high capacity filter.